A cantora norueguesa Aurora, divulgou ontem (03/04) em suas redes sociais o Presave do seu mais novo single, The Seed. Para os fãs que acompanham a artista, o tão aguardado single chega amanhã (05/04).

Aurora já vem apresentando a música em seus shows há mais de um ano. A canção aborda sobre a destruição da Mãe Terra por causa da humanidade que é “viciada” em dinheiro e muita das vezes não se importa com a natureza.

The Seed tem tambores marcados em seus refrões, lembrando uma música nórdica de guerra, algo muito de se esperar da nossa menina Aurora.

Pra quem já quer ir pegando a letra:


 The Seed

Just like the seed

I don’t know where to go

Through dirt and shadow I grow

I’m reaching light through the storm


Just like the seed

I’m chasing the water

I unravel myself

Growing in slow motion


You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen

And the rivers are poisoned


You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen

And the rivers are poisoned


You cannot eat money, oh no


Suffocate me

So my tears can be rain

I will water the ground where is stand

So the flowers can grow back again


Cause just like the seed

Everything wants to live

We are burning our fingers

But we never forget


You cannot eat money, oh no
You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned


You cannot eat money, oh no


You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen

And the rivers are poisoned

Feed me sunlight, feed me air


Feed me truth and feed me prayers

Feed me sunlight, feed me air

Feed me truth and feed me prayers


You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen

And the rivers are poisoned


You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no

You cannot eat money, oh no


When the last tree has fallen

And the rivers are poisoned


You cannot eat money, oh no


Nossa fadinha já mandou o recado para gente garantir ser os primeiros a ouvir a sua obra de arte:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xfen0TAp4[/embedyt]


Se você nunca ouviu The Seed: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ1XLiUayHU[/embedyt]


Aurora no canal Minuto Indie: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRih6szZ7us[/embedyt]

